
By Ellaphant

The Party Tree

What did we do these past 24 hours?  Let's see...

Kitchen duties, napping, clearing the electricity cabinet because some workmen are coming in a couple of days to install something we ordered, or, rather, something AW ordered and I agreed with, more napping in the garden, clearing the newly renovated shed in front so that the workmen can dump the stuff in there so it doesn't get in the way, some gaming, a lot of hoovering.  The day felt like a Rubik's cube of odds and ends that were disjointed but somehow made sense.  Everything came together when we decided, or, rather, I decided and AW agreed, to go to town after dinner for dessert.  A festival was going on which we had completely forgotten about (because we don't live 'in town'), the 'Havenfeest' ('hah-vun-feyst'), signalling the return of many students after the summer break, which is just another fabulous excuse to decorate the wharf with festival lights and loud music, and pour enough beer to keep the canal wet.  Naturally, we didn't hang around that corner but had our dessert at our favourite Argentinian grill, which still serves its hallmark crepe with dulce de leche (something to die for, yes), followed by a quick stop at AW's homeopathic shop.  This was shot on the walk back to the car.  The atmosphere was gorgeous and we reflected on how we used to linger in town till the wee hours, decades ago when we were muuuuuuch younger, and how Gen Z has definitely and irrevocably replaced us.  Being still very much young at heart, though, we held hands and jigged along a bit with the crowd, a couple of older but not necessarily wiser folks.  Extra -- more party trees!  :DDD)))

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