
By blowfish


Horrible thunderstorm last night (or this morning, rather) from 2:30-4AM. Seriously, I have never lived in place with so much violent weather, and at the weirdest times ever. Anyhow, when both you and your wife are sick and sleeping like ass anyways, the storm made for an even more restless night. Thus, I totally overslept which put me behind on my French homework for class today, where I performed less than stellar. Far less.

Ran to the store to pick up some batteries where I found one of these on the cheap. Therefore, I made one of these. Yeah, yeah, I've seen Memento; I know, I know.

Playing catch up this weekend and reading of course, but do have some fine activities planned if I'm feeling better. More to come. I have some film to play with. So in the meantime I'll take digital pictures of real Polaroid pictures but overdo the faux Polaroid processing. 'Cause tonight, I'm feeling like that.

Edit: Leah's view of me.

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