Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Conor's P5 End of Year Report

Conor is a remarkable reader. He reads with fluency and expression. Conor can apply the comprehension strategies to show an understanding of what he has read and often uses the laptop for his literacy work. Conor is an excellent speller and can spell most words correctly. Conor has a vivid imagination when creating stories. He can refer to the core writing targets. Conor's handwriting and presentation is neat. Conor can become distracted, often needing reminded to listen and follow instructions. He isn't keen to contribute to discussions but will read aloud when asked.

Conor shows excellent skills in Numeracy. He grasps all concepts with ease and requires challenge in this area. Conor has great times tables skills. He can use the 4 operations independently. Conor can work with large numbers and has a secure understanding of place value. Conor can work out number sequences. He can work with function machines. Conor has a secure understanding of data handling and can interpret information from graphs. Conor can work out fractions of amounts and equivalent fractions. Conor can calculate time durations and use time tables and calendars.

Health & Wellbeing
Conor is not keen on PE and even with encouragement will not participate in whole class lessons. He has, at times, participated in small groups of 2/3 others but often chooses not to take part. Conor understands the importance of road safety and staying safe online. He investigated germs and the significance of good hygiene practices like handwashing. Conor can choose qualities that make up a good friend. Conor learned about various forms of bullying and ways to respond to bullying. Conor is aware that everyone is different and have their own talents and ambitions.

Conor is a quiet member of the class. Conor shows strength in many areas of the curriculum including literacy, numeracy and the expressive arts. It is lovely to see Conor enjoy music and drama. Conor often needs direct and repeated instructions. Conor tends to complete more work when on the laptop and prefers to use technology than his jotters. He likes to work independently and often doesn't socialise with his peers unless in small groups. Conor also loves science and he participated well in our class science workshops. I have enjoyed being Conor's teacher this year and wish him every success in P6. Well done Conor! Have a great summer!

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