A Day In The Life

By Irish59

I Can Fly

Some of you may recall the red protein feeder I purchased for the hummingbirds last spring and it’s taken most of the summer to formulate an opinion because the combo and the amount of fruit is key to how effective it is. It’s taken this long to figure out but I’m pleased to share that hummers and a couple of butterflies are eating fruit flies :) • Speaking of hummers - the feeder wars are underway with one female, one male and one juvenile male racing and diving and zooming across the yard. The Indy 300? I could hear them chortling in the trees overhead, then at times hovering in the branches in search of the others. This female flew to the top of the feeder, I think testing if it was safe to drink. It wasn’t • So, Thursday I have an appointment to check the retina in my right eye. I had retina detachment surgery in 2015 and recognize it’s happening again. I’m expecting things to move quickly but I’ll know more Thursday • Peace & Love

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