Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Calendar Boy

Four fabulous hours spent in the playroom this afternoon, writing, coloring, laughing, making silly videos, talking about Reuben's upcoming surgery for his hearing aid, the boys insisting they watch their own Youtube videos of old and competing with each other at whose turn it was next. And here's the calendar boy. Reuben played his usual games, laughing at himself as he'd put the wrong numbers alongside each other on the schedule just for kicks. Just the photographs to go up and I think we're almost there on the playroom revamp project. Huge boxes of toys have been relegated to the garage for the next part of their journey.

Reuben's IEP was left incomplete on account of the medical portion not having been completed in time by the school district so the meeting was adjourned!

And no, I never tire of a straight true portrait of how the boys look. There feels something space age or retro about this.

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