Cutie Booties

Aren't these booties cuties?

Jenny has been knitting like a trooper to get these little boots, actually yellow in colour, finished in time for her last day tomorrow. There is also another blue pair under construction & I was hoping to snap both pairs in all their mini splendour, but the blipping hour was closing in, so one pair will have to do you. A number of her colleagues are pregnant & these baby boots seemed like the perfect gift to celebrate their exciting news.

It is Jen's last day tomorrow. She's been at the law firm for nearly 8 months, so it's been no small effort considering it hasn't been the ideal job. I know she'll be sad to leave behind some of her colleagues there, but her new role in a Brighton law firm is just perfect & something she's been wanting & working hard at for quite a while, so I think she'll do just fine (understatement: she'll do brilliantly!). She's even spent the evening rustling up some fairy cakes & brownies to take into work - boy they're gona miss her, that's for sure!

The time is right for moving on to bigger & better things, or should it be smaller & cuter things?.. Either way, I like it!

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