
By Cumbrialass

Wednesday. Too warm, too wet.

It didnt seem too hot this morning so we went down to Rampside to do the Concle walk.

 We usually walk to the seat and look  at the view and relax but there were 2 ladies sat there with a picnic so we carried on.
 Unfortunately  Fletch started to get quite hot and was panting for England. 
 We took our time walking back as carrying him isnt an option. (We would have sat on the seat on the return but the 2 ladies were still there.)

He sat in the cool mat on the drive home and I bathed his paws and he seemed ok and revived. 
 He was up and ready for his teatime walk and by then it was cloudy . 
But  as we stepped out of the door it  started to rain.. it seemed light enough to carry on our walk but it soon got heavy poor dog was drenched. 

Blip shows him after we got home for a good rub down and a bark at the tv.. he always barks at horses! 

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