Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Mont Ventoux Memories!

I don't have many things on the walls in my house, or many photos at all. However, there are certain extra special things that deserve a place.

This selection of photos taken by the photographers who sit on the side of famous mountain cycling climbs were ones I wanted to have in a place I could see in my home. They'll be a forever reminder of my Mont Ventoux adventures and remind me the body achieves what the mind believes. On days I doubt myself, I'll look at them and say "come on Kate, of course you can!".

A lovely mixture of a day. I enjoyed seeing Holly (Ezra, Sylas and her Mum and Dad) this morning. Holly and I went for a walk and shared carrying Sylas in the baby carrier/papoose and truly put the world's to right as usual!

This afternoon I've turned green fingered to help my Dad with the gardening at The Cape. Lots of bushes to trim meaning lots of leaves and branches to collect. I'm pleased with how neat and tidy they now look.

Just time for a little trip into Brighouse for a look around Wilkinsons, my sister worked there for many years so it's strange to think it'll be closing shortly...

Happy Evening to you all. :-)

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