Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Saw lots of birds in the estuary this evening, mainly herons and egrets. Spent a while watching some of the herons flying around and managed to get some shots of them landing.

A lovely day again today so thought I'd better cut the grass before the rain tomorrow.  M from the village has been here most of the day dealing with the huge piles of hedging and trees he cut down yesterday.  

Keep forgetting to say, I saw an adder on Glasson Moss a few days ago.  Misty walked right past it without noticing it thank goodness.  I stopped to look at it and it disappeared under the heather.  Anyhow I was chatting with a lady I know in the next village the other day and she told me that she was walking her little dog and a neighbour's dog on Drumburgh Moss two weeks ago and both dogs got bitten by an adder!!  She managed to get them to the vets straight away and they had to stay overnight and thanks goodness they survived.  Scary ... so not walking on any of the mosses until later in year!  Shame really.

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