Ouch / Fast And Furious

The 'Fast and Furious' cycle ride was here today. I had hoped that the cyclists would be passing through the Main Street to add to my 'One Street' project but unfortunately they were skirting round the Main Street with a water stop in the car park.

The cycle is to raise money for the Alzheimers Society and I believe there are over 100 riders.

I stopped to speak to one of the stewards, Roseanne, and we chatted and laughed while I took some photos. I just managed to sneak her into this shot.

This was not the best shot however the misfortune of the lead cyclist made it more interesting. It looks like the poor chap has had a bad tumble. Cuts to the face and a bandaged arm.

Bloodier when big.

I told you on Sunday this road often has lots of lycra clad cyclists.

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