Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Off the pavement

Drove up to Tate’s today for dog sitting and elderberry picking. I already have one plastic bag full and tomorrow we will use something to pull the bushes hanging over the creek close enough for me to get the berries. Or I could walk down the creek but it is running high due to rain here.

When we got to our normal road to make the last 20 miles, I decided to drive down the river road. It was dusty dirt but followed the river. A beautiful drive. I couldn’t decide which view to share so I shared one of the river and the dirt road. Next to the big tree is a small cemetery. I wanted to stop but did not make the time since we had the dog who was ready to get out of the car.

About 20 degrees cooler here but a little humid. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same but much cooler mornings.

I will take time tomorrow to award hearts for Tiny Tuesday.

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