
By ayearinthelife


It’s not everyday you go upstairs in the gym, open the window and receive a cheery “good morning!” from a man standing in the tree opposite!
It looked like they were thinning the canopy from the trees that line the river and cutting off any branches which overhang the public footpath that runs behind the gym, although the tree pictured seemed to be getting a more drastic pruning!
I sent the picture to Curt (who owns the gym) and he is more than happy - no branches bashing against the window in high winds and less leaves to clear out of the gutters in autumn.
A good workout was followed by a trip to Sainsbury’s. We’d heard they’d been closed for a few days because of an electrical fire and obviously things were not completely back to normal as there was nothing in the chiller cabinets - I’m not even sure if they were switched on. We grabbed what we needed in the way of ambient goods and then headed off to Aldi for everything else.
Off to Garstang shortly for the first of this weekend’s two gigs. My extension cab for the amp is still “in transit” so no noisy bass playing tonight! It’ll be a late one though, so a lie-in will be required tomorrow.

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