
By ZE1Christie

Flowers, Veg an Teas

A couple of showers first thing, calm all day, mostly overcast with sunny spells, and midgies.  A lovely evening. 

A lazy Sunday morning, blame it on a good night last night.  Late morning I met friend Julie for walkies with the dogs.  Me, peerie Brian and Julie met big Brian and Madeline at the Sunday Teas.  Been into Lerwick this evening for some shopping, a chip supper and a walk around town.  Some time with the jigsaw and an early night.  

The Skeld Hall was holding their annual flower and vegetable show, along with Sunday Teas.  Some gifted green fingers around, especially with the flower displays, and great to see what people having been growing at home too.  The hall was packed from the moment we arrived, most of the crowd in the room next door.  Taken in the Skeld Hall.  

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