
By simisue


I have a friend who loves Persian poets & when I saw this in my neighbor's garden, I thought of her.  It was fitting, because she & I have recently read
an article about 24 ways to impact HAPPINESS.  We are on a mission
to make our lives fertile places where happiness might find us.

If you are curious, here are 
24 simple habits to help you feel happier:

-Engage in self-reflection
-Eat for a better mood
-Find an exercise that is fun
-Declutter your home
-Reduce alcohol consumption
-Reduce caffeine consumption
-Get better sleep
-Spend time in nature, visit a garden or "look after a garden." (Campervan)
-Be honest about relationships
-Embrace conflict with a goal of resolution
-Set goals for partnerships
-Reinvest in friendships
-Learn how to be happy alone
-Find your day to day purpose
-Start a new hobby, like "disappearing into a good book" (pixiepixie)
-Start journaling
-Try meditation
-Learn how to say NO
-Practice gratitude
-Take a sound bath (Google it)
-Focus on yourself & your needs
-Go to the beach
-Add more fun
-Give yourself a break:  practice self compassion

There are fairly long explanations for each, but the idea is that
we have the ability to impact our own happiness.  

Are there any you might add to the list? 

The article is:  "How to be Happier:
24 Simple Habits to Help You Feel More Positive"
By:  Grace Walsh

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