Around the Block

By Barrioboy


The opposite of DIY . . . Let Others Do It! I had a good excuse today as our natural gas hot water boiler closed itself down due to water ingress down its ‘chimney’ after yesterday’s torrential downpour and the front door lock refused to budge as we tried to let the gas repair man out! My joke about making himself at home, fell a little flat!

We got a locksmith out and he said we needed a new lock barrel, as the one we had was slack after nearly twenty years of service. He hadn’t reckoned on the warped wooden door and the metal extrusions/bayonets not fitting well into their holes in the outer frame.

Like a good pro he did not leave until he had everything working like hot knives through butter but it had taken him a lot longer than a straight barrel change, with spinning metal cutters and drills. So although he would not have charged more, he got more.

The double throw of the new arrangement means the door is much less kick-in-able! We have been on single throw for more than ten years!

We will sleep easier tonight!

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