shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Break in

A particularly unpleasant arrival at work this morning to see a broken window. Thankfully only one laptop had been stolen, and it was the one with no confidential info on it, and nothing else at all, it could have been so much worse. I suppose it's a good thing that most of our computer equipment is so old there can't be any resale value on it! We had the police out, then a Scene of Crime officer (the smears on the window here are fingerprint dust), but sadly he didn't find any fingerprints. The glass has now been replaced, and the office cleaned up - it's amazing how much broken glass a hole this size can produce, and extra security measures have been put in place in case they come back.

All the excitement certainly did my step total no harm, I walked more than 2 miles more than usual around the office today. Horrible timing, as tomorrow is a Board meeting, AGM, National Conference, Wipe Out Leprosy Kids Poster Competition Award Ceremony and then a dinner, so you'll understand that there were a few things needing doing today! Early night in store for me.

At least I have some good news, a potential new flatmate came round to meet me yesterday, we got on well and I heard today she will be signing the contract tomorrow.

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