
By elgoldave

Super Blue Moon.

Next one is 2037….

The full moon tonight is a special one, the unification of a Super Moon and a Blue Moon, a "Super Blue Moon."

"Blue Moon" has nothing to do with colour! It refers to two moons occurring in the same calendar month (as in August 2023).

A “Super Moon” is a full moon that occurs when the moon is closer to Earth in it’s orbit, resulting in a slightly larger and brighter appearance.

The tide range is large this week. We walked on the beach this morning. It was refreshing.

The wee family went to a shopping centre, our wee (6 weeks old today!) grandson’s first visit to a mall.

Younger son had a particularly busy day, his Wednesday timetable this session seems daft.

(I know there’ll be better photos than mine tonight, but main thing is we saw it).

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