
By DaveyH

Oh Dear!

Not sure whether to have sympathy for this guy or not.  This is at Thornham on the North Norfolk coast where I was doing an early evening  landscape shoot as the tide came in.  Because it is so flat around there, the the tide often floods the access road down to a small car park. The driver had left his BMW there and gone off with his family, probably not realising that the tide often floods the area. There is a sign warning of this at the entrance to the track. He arrived back far too late, to find the sea water over the door sills of the car. With help, he managed to move it to higher ground just out of shot to the left.  
As  the sun set he was still there drying the inside of his car out and trying to keep the engine running. The high tide completely covered the access road for about 200m and came within about 15m of my car parked further back along the road. I saw the rising tide when I arrived and promptly turned round and parked further away. Phew! My fellow photographer had parked next to the BMW but moved after he saw me turn round and head back up the road! 

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