secret garden

By freespiral

Bantry International Airport

Last night was marvellously clear and we wandered down to Kitchen Cove at around 9pm to see if there was any sight of the blue moon. We waited and waited and were eventually rewarded with a large fat moon emerging from behind the low cloud. It looked magnificent and mesmerising.

This morning I did useful stuff - car insurance ( were we covered for using the car for our business ie transporting books? A very long phone call, to India I suspect, and all seems grand as long as we keep them in the boot), applied for artist's tax exemption (looks hopeful) followed by a quick trip into Bantry. The weather was good, the market packed and a very jolly atmosphere prevailed. We ate Organico salads underneath a statue of Wolfe Tone and enjoyed the live music. The cloudage still impressive I suggested we went for a quick walk around the headland at Bantry International Airport. Ok, I exaggerate somewhat but should you wish to bring your private plane to Bantry this is where you would land. We have seen it happen and it's pretty scary!  It's also a place for dog walking and we were entranced by a teeny American bulldog pup who was having a wonderful time meeting the big dogs. More wildflowers and the view out to Whiddy Island was gorgeous.

A bracing swim and I have just made a very garlicky dhal so that's enough excitement for a Friday!

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