The Life of Bri

By bri

Falkirk Wheel

A busy day shooting a charity abseil off the Falkirk Wheel (sorry, don't have any photos of the actual abseiling on my own camera). I was using a cool little wireless gadget that transmitted my photos directly to a sales trailer parked around the back of that big curved building, so there was fortunately no running up and down with memory cards required. The only downside being that the photos disappear from your camera before you have time to examine them for long - so you've got to get it right.

Having done a fair bit of climbing in the past, abseiling is something that doesn't freak me out, but it is something I avoid doing if at all possible (it is the scariest element to climbing).

The reaction of 'normal people' who don't usually do anything outdoorsy is pretty funny. Everyone is understandably a bit nervous, but there is a wide range from nonchalant to knee trembling, tear inducing terror.

Oddly enough, the nervous chaps tend to go quiet, and do lots of deep breathing.

Whereas the nervous women just swear and swear and swear, all the way down.

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