Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Selling fish.............

This morning as I was out and about I came upon a wonderful group of young girls and boys marching and singing through the town. It was the Boys and Girls Brigade from the local church telling people it was their national prayer day! I took many pictures of them.

But I went to the market later and after a lot of hassles and negotiations I eventually was allowed to take a picture of a guy selling fish. Our market has a huge section where they sell fresh fish, dried fish and smoked fish from Lake Malawi! There are many different shapes and sizes but the most are Bonya or Usipa which are sardine type fish. The sellers of these fish would not allow me to take a picture!! I am not sure what these fish are I didn't buy any!! And.....I loved the guys t-shirt and shorts!!

Hope you are all having a great weekend!!

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