
By NellyO

Planting out

A glorious day on the allotment today, I spent 3 hours there in fantastic sunshine and planted out quite a lot of the veg that has been merrily growing away in the greenhouse at home. I also did a little bit of weeding at one end, nearest the gate. So now, to join the potatoes, celeriac, garlic and blackcurrant that's already there, I have planted courgettes by the gate, then beyond the potatoes are brussels (they'll need netting at some point), quinoa, spinach beet and dwarf runner beans.

The area of greenery at the far end is what I am going to euphemistically refer to as "the wildflower meadow". Will have to tame it a bit before we can plant anything more out there, so I'll get a few more things started off in the greenhouse and transplant them once we've dug a bit more.

The ground was baked solid today because of the sun. I'm amazed anything is growing at all, but the potatoes are all merrily potato-ing away (I earthed them up a bit, but am not sure how long I need to keep doing that) and the blackcurrant has lots of little green currant-ettes so we should hopefully see something for our efforts later in the year.

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