Go Yankees!

We all went to watch Betsy play today. It's the last but one game of the league and Betsy was thrilled that her team beat the so-far unbeaten League winners, The Rays. They will still win the league, but the Yankees have broken their string of wins.

Though they are still playing tomorrow, today had an end-of-term feel about it. There seemed to be more people than usual, the music played all day, there was a barbeque and a hog roast. I won't be going tomorrow and felt a bit sad that the league is over. It's been a pleasure to take Betsy there and a joy to watch her play with such lovely, friendly, talented girls. I've enjoyed the atmosphere of laid-back supporters, loving the successes but not sweating the defeats. Mike, the coach can't be there tomorrow, and as he said good-bye to Betsy, he shook her hand and said, 'thank you for coming to play ball, Betsy, and bringing your great attitude'.

I won't be getting Saturday's back - I'm taking Betsy and four of the girls to the batting cages next week, and after that she'll be training with the GB Squad every week until the tournament in Italy. Sundays though. We'll get Sunday's back :)

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