David J. Rose

By djrose007

The patient dragonfly

You were going to get Ruby and Eric (relegated to the Extra position) but when I went out to hang a washed rug, onto the washing line, this dragonfly flew in and landed on the top of one of the folded arms.
It (don't know if it's he or she) stayed there while I got my phone out, took a very out of focus shot, selected 'Ultra Macro' setting, and took a couple more. I was in a bit of a panic thinking all of my movement would make it fly away but no, it stayed there until I actually moved the arms outward to lock them into position for hanging.
Thank you dragonfly, I think this is the best I've ever managed.
Reference Ruby and Eric having breakfast, they were joined by brown baby Jacquie (it's the name of their other Grandmother HAHAHAHAHAHA).

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