Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO


Today My Mum and I flew to Toronto to meet up with our Canadian side of the family.

My Mum's sister (Hazel on the right) was a war bride and moved to Canada with her new husband in 1946. Twenty eight years later she finally managed to return to the UK to visit her family. She had left England when my Mum (Freda on the left) was 13 years old.

Since then the family have visited back and forth sporadically over the years, with 4 of Hazel's 6 children visiting us in the UK.

Carol, Hazel's oldest daughter, and her husband Mark visited in the early 2000s and we really clicked. Since then we have been firm and devoted friends (as well as cousins). We try to exchange visits every year and have also met up in Boston and Cancun.

Driving from the airport we realised (with some trepidation) how similar we are to our mothers. Myself and Carol sitting in the front of the car catching up on all the gossip and our mothers sat in the back doing likewise!

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