Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Scarlet Scooter

We had a lovely day today. After breakfast we walked into town and investigated the older, less touristy bits. Rione Aia Piccola is a quieter area with over 400 trulli. Lots of them have ancient symbols painted on the roofs and even pumpkins! (See extra). We also did some shopping in Rione Monti and tasted some wonderful olive oil.
After coffee and people watching in the town square, we headed back and made lunch which we ate outside our trulli. After that we had a few hours by the pool where we were adopted by a very sweet little black and white kitten. At 5 a saxophone player turned up and started playing jazz which was quite surreal.
Instead of walking back to town this evening we have had takeaway pizza outside the trulli followed by amazing cakes I picked up in town. A perfect day.

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