
By BikerBabe


Youngest is high functioning autistic. She is also a great character. Last night she asked to go for a motorcycle ride during which surprisingly at her request, we even sat outside a pub enjoying a (soft) drink, chatting for almost an hour in the warm air ^_^

This morning before the temps became too uncomfortable I cut the grass outside & kept on top of some bindweed that was creeping through the side fence.

After feeling quite buoyant the night before, youngest today was anxious which eventually led to feeling exhausted & flat.

She made a stonking Chocolate Cheesecake though, because well, chocolate (just had a slice...very Nom!) and as the night drew in asked to go for a drive. Sitting watching the world pass by under streetlights for half an hour or so doesn't half help her relax.

Extra pics are a Metrolink Tram she snapped as we sat at a red traffic light, and her heart shaped Choccy Cheesecake xx

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