
By Hamp5on

L is for Laura

Asha went off cycling round Formentera today with Charlie's family. They move to the UK tomorrow. Nate felt decidedly sad that he wasn't going to Formentera too, one of our family's happy places. He and I set up in Can Moreta and he's made his new teacher a picture - a giant rainbow L. He's been good company in the main today. Early evening he and Danny went off to play some tennis which he loved. He got home and had a series of questions for me as he sat in the cool bath/bucket. We learned how jellyfish reproduce, fascinating!
Asha was off the ferry and home by 9, utterly shattered but having had a good day.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A good chat with Mitch.
2) Nate enjoying a low key day
3) Tumeric tea.

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