
By TheHairyPict

Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

On a trip to east Africa, visiting various national parks in Kenya and Tanzania to shoot animals (with my camera, of course!).  Flew into Nairobi yesterday and set off this morning on a two week organised trip. First stop is Lake Nakuru National Park, in the Rift Valley, about 3 hours drive from Nairobi. Went for a "game drive" in the bus (really a truck modified to a bus) and saw an amazing amount of stuff --- I knew we would see lots of interesting animals but I hadn't realised just how much wildlife there would be, there are animals evrywhere you look.  It's the dry season at the moment, which is supposed to be the best time for wildlife. 

Spent some time watching a group of lions, three females and two cubs, playing on and around a dead tree. One of the adults had a large plastic collar -- presumably some kind of tracking device?  Today's blip is one of the  cubs on the tree. 

The extras are a Rothschild giraffe and two male white rhinos having a wee tiff. There are 8 or 9 sub-species of giraffe (opinions seem to differ) and we were lucky to see a Rothschild --- it is a threatened species and there are not many places where they are seen in the wild, fortunately Lake Nakuru is on one of them.

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