
By Lsquare

Dealing With False Teaching

We are looking forward to the prospect of cooler weather this week----temperatures are forecast to be in the 90s and we could possibly get some rain!  So, this morning as we gathered at FBC, we thanked  and praised our sovereign God for His goodness to us through congregational song, followed by the welcome by Bro, Chris. We were, then, blessed to witness three baptisms  The choir, orchestra and our dedicated accompanists  continued the praise with the triumphant anthem, "He Arose Hallelujah" and the congregation joined in with a few more songs before Pastor Wes took us back into Revelation.  We picked up in Revelation 2:12-17, the letter to the church at Pergammum, in which God tells that church that He sees and knows their suffering, but cautions them against the slippery slope of compromise in their teachings and beliefs about Jesus and what He really says about those who are creeping in and saying that you can have Jesus and participate in the pagan life around you to get along and make your life easier. Jesus calls us to recognize, repent and reject false teaching because it will surely lead you down the wrong path and the sooner you deal with false teaching, the better it will be for you.  We are called to cling to Christ in the midst of a world that actively opposes that and tempts us continually to let go of what we know God has said in His word and embrace the good feelings of whatever we want to be, doing whatever we want to do.  Pastor Wes has much more to say about false teachings and teachers and what our response should be as we encounter those things in our world today in the Live-stream which would be well worth your time to watch.......

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