Big Hill

By bighill


Needed a day to balance myself so i did what i know helps restore balance.....i painted!!!

Louise Fletcher, an artist that i admire and follow, put forward an interesting exercise -  3 colours, black and white paint, ink, pencil, collage, pastel and or charcoal, oil pastel.   Then you had to follow this order:

make 2 brush strokes
make 2 marks using any other tool
make 2 pencil lines
make 2 ink lines or shapes
make 1 line in pastel
add collage (i decided to skip this part!)
2 more brush strokes
1 oil pastel mark

that's i spent a few hours doing was very interesting to see how i began to sort of plan where things would go, but only very slightly, i wanted to remain in a very spontaneous mood and just respond to each mark as it was made. 

Here is one of the last ones....see another couple in the extras.

We headed down to Englishtown beach for a walk and a picnic.....that was lovely.   Home and Basedul and i made lasagne....which was pretty good.  Basedul also made this lovely piece of art on the beach!

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