
By Houseonahill6

Oh what a commotion !

There was alot of noise coming from the garden and when I looked there was a swarm of starlings around the fat candle.I should say the correct collective term for a group of Starlings a murmuration but there was no murmuring going on here just squawking and they just seemed to swarm into the garden all of a sudden,feed and then fled off up the field.There were at least 5 fledglings and the two adults.What a task they must have had to feed such hungry mouths.
I had put the fat candle out this morning and thought I would count the number of birds that came to peck away at it within 10 minutes.A total of 31 birds, 8 species and I know there are more.The bluetits returned a total number of 19 times,worth the £2.98 but it's nearly gone now and it's only been out a few hours!

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