
By loisbiz

These are Tiny

My chives are blooming; I have never seen them bloom like this before. The little white flowers show up like bright little lights. 

This afternoon I attended the memorial service for my 59 year old next door neighbor; I went with three of my neighborhood friends because the service was downtown Portland and we didn't want to go alone. The service was very nice with several hundred people in attendance, mostly business associates. 
It was nice attending with these neighbors who I really like but seldom spend time with...we caught up with neighborhood news since we are spread out along our street. We see and know what is going on closest to us. There are so many people suffering in many different ways. :-((

Ellie and her Grandpa came over after her dance class tonight; it was so fun hearing how excited she is about school. Getting hugs was nice too. She wanted to stay longer but she had to get home so she could get to bed on time. 

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