My world through a Lumix

By icelolli

Notte Bianca a Scandiano (Reggio Emilia)

Niccolò Fabi... Is a young italian songwriter. In my opinion he is a poet. During his concert, the following song hits my soul. It describes a path... where small steps bring to the solution of big (huge) problems or, more simply, bring to live our life easier. The song is in italian... I will try to translate it into english.


Close your eyes
imagine a joy
most likely
you'd think to a departure

if we lived just beginning
of excitations of first time
when all surprises you and
nothing belongs more

you'd think the smell of a new book
or of fresh paint
a gift unwrapped
the day before the party

to March 21, the first hug
a new pencil, the spring
the fear of debut,
tremor of onset
but between the start and the finish

in the middle there is everything else
and everything else is day after day
and day after day is
silently build
and build is the understanding
of renouncing the perfection

but the ending is certainly more theatrical
so you just remember of each story
its conclusion

as well as the last glass, the last vision
a lonely sunset, curtsay and then the curtain
but between the expectation and its fulfillment
between the first theme and testament

in the middle there is everything else
and everything else is day after day
and day after day is
silently build
and build is the understanding
of renouncing the perfection

I hug your hands
stay here
the snow will fall

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