Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle


An appropriate word after yesterday's warp speed half day tour. The driver we had today was much more mellow, as was out hiking guide who took us on a walk along one of the islands many levadas. In todays case, the Nova Levada. Fortunately it was not swelteringly hot for us due to the micro climate changes and the route being partially shaded as the levada went round each bend on the mountain sides. The views were so good we had difficulty keeping an eye on the path as some sections have had their railings sheared off by boulders and trees that have been released during stormy weather. We were able to have recess in a mountainside village which catered all the traditional Madeira food and drink and at a surprisingly low price. Thanks to the driver/tour guide they dropped us off at Santa Crus (pictured in the blip) which is a stone throw away from the hotel. Enjoyed a rather fine fish meal in one of the local restaurants before heading back to base. The route back was along side the motorway which is due to heavy storm damage earlier on in the year and looked like a safer path will be resurrected soon.
As Mrs Tuttle relaxed by the pool, I went for a "run" up towards the airport to get a view of the runway. This runway is the 11th most difficult runway to land on and as a requirement the pilots have to undergo special training. The winds were kind today, but it didn't take much to realise how scary is would be even for the most experienced of flyers. There was a guy filming each landing from the vantage point, and by the looks of it, it was for a YouTube channel (now I keep getting feeds of the latest crazy landing effort on my phone!).
Fascinating place, Madeira.....

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