Another Day

By BlackTulip

Bull Point

It’s been a gloriously sunny day and JJ suggested walking out towards Bull Point, which seemed a good idea.  We didn’t walk all the way because it was fairly hot and I thought five to six miles would be my limit, especially when hills are involved.

Lots of people out walking and several had stopped to see the lumps of lard seals, down on the rocks.

Back to Mortehoe for a half before the walk down the hill back to base.

The first extra is looking across to Baggy Point, which Polly H (Pauline) walked to last year.  It was her funeral today, so she was much in my thoughts.

The second extra is JJ doing a bit of sunbathing.  Then there’s the local cemetery.  Pity they’re facing the wrong way.  If you look carefully at the fourth extra you’ll see a Red Admiral Butterfly has photobombed it, and Lundy island in the distance.

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