The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


………………………arches park seemed a suitable subject to mark my fifth blipaversary, it’s a pity you can’t see all the arches for the trees though!

Hard to believe I’ve been doing this daily for five years, where has that time gone? Thanks to everyone who pops along leaving stars, comments or hearts in their wake…I appreciate every one, though probably don’t say so often enough. Blip has definitely kept me sane this last couple of years when my life was turned upside down, your support through a difficult time was very welcome. Thanks to those behind the scenes who keep everything ticking along…and to JG and the gang who encouraged me to join whilst touring the Rockies all those years ago, I’m very grateful you did. 

Spent some time reading in the garden gathering some vitamin D reserves whilst the sun shone then I headed to the garden centre for more bulbs, flowers and compost. A quick trip around Tescos to replenish the fridge, which had looked remarkably like Old Mother Hubbards cupboards earlier in the day! Pulled over after driving through the arch to get my blip as I headed home again.

Picked MC and the wee one up about 5 so they could shop and have the car for tomorrow…the wee one was still in his nursery uniform (burgundy joggers and sweatshirt with a blue polo shirt), he looked so grown up! He chattered away non stop, he’s definitely a proper little boy now! A video from G and K who are now languishing in a swish apartment in De Kelders from where they were watching orcas swimming in the ocean in front of them…living the life!

Thanks to Steveng for hosting Wide Wednesday this week and sorry this isn’t really on theme.

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