
By ayearinthelife

The Show

Westmorland County Show time. It seems that the two day format which was introduced after Covid is here to stay. Which is a good thing, as we couldn’t have gone on the traditional second Thursday in September because we’re away tomorrow.
In a week of patchy weather, it was nice to see that today was dry and sunny. Once again, the free bus service was running from Kendal town centre to the Showground, so we walked down after breakfast, caught the next bus and then spent an enjoyable five hours looking around at everything before heading home. Saw a few people we knew and had a good wander around the various trade stalls and exhibition marquees as well as watching some of the horsey action in the main ring. A variety of crafts and trades were also being demonstrated - the tree surgeons were fun to watch in action but the owl had only just started in training and was reluctant to fly to its handler.
We picked up a few goodies from the foodhall before we left so looking forward to supper tonight. As always, a great day out at the show, but a tiring one. Total distance walked was over five miles/12,000 steps and I’m really not that bothered about moving from the armchair any time soon!

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