Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Hump day

Bit of a later rise this morning - no school run but looking after our sons dog for the day. they dropped Frank off, he was pleased to be with us and they continued to the PGA at Wentworth (only about 25 mins drive away).

Decided to go for a cycle today, haven’t been for a few weeks with holiday and with our next holiday soon needed to go out. It was lovely, quite quiet (apart from dog walkers). I went to the country park behind me then on to the other woodland/park area in Crowthorne (Bucklers). It has a couple of ponds, whilst the water looks a bit murky in this one I liked the reflection. Further on, had a chuckle at the road sign - in the middle of woodland - due to it being the old Transport Research site.

Picked the boys up from school, they both came out very happy. I think they both have hollow legs as they are always hungry after school - they needed to finish off their lunch, then had some sweets.

Our son, daughter-in-law and Phoebe then arrived and a bit later on our daughter arrived to pick up the boys. Lovely for them to catch up - Caleb loved cuddling Phoebe.


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