Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Smoke plume

From the fire north of us. The white thing in the photo is our house. Helped husband round up the grazing heifers today they were in some difficult to gather places. We went round one massive field twice it had islands of trees all over it for them to hide in. After we counted them we found there were still a good amount missing. We sorted what we had into truck loads for transporting them tomorrow 4 instead of 5 loads ready to go. After we headed back out and found another 30 but still not enough. Dogs did great although Dris took a nasty tumble off the quad bike and has a wee limp from it. He got lots of healing and some painkillers for it and lots of cuddles too. 

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." ~Mark Twain

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