
By TheBrewersWife

Dark Vueccano

We stopped for coffee and a scone at one of our familiar cafes this morning before grocery shopping. I have seen this artwork/sculpture there many times and thought perhaps it was an old film projector. The huge batteries at the bottom intrigued me today so I went to have a closer look. 
It is an apparatus that shows three dimensional pictures (I think all of artists and their work, but not entirely sure of that) a bit like the old View Master gadget I had as a child. The eye pieces are at viewing height and you push a button for light and then turn the wheel to see the different slides.  
One of the waitstaff was curious about what we were up to. She had never looked closely at it in spite of working there every day. It was fun to see her reaction. I am sure instructions will spread...
I assume the Vuecanno name is an allusion to the Meccano sets we knew and loved. Not sure who the artist inventor is, but it is a great thing.

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