Imagine the view....

By btc

London Life: the city that never sleeps...

....I know that I certainly didn't (not much anyway). After my adventure in Soho yesterday (thanks for all the interesting comments, I am honestly not sure of the answer. I was always convinced that Caster Semenya was a guy!!) a quick diversion home to blip and then back into the car and off to Camden Town again (I'll share with you why if/when it comes off) to get some night shots of the area in full flow and what an evening it was, alcohol certainly makes people lose their inhibitions around a camera.

So there I was, for the first time in my life a sober viewer of a night out in Camden I was amazed how it was and it left me amazed thinking 'is this what is happening around me when I am here on a night out?' nothing bad, just chaotic.

The most interested event being asked to take a photo of a group of Welsh lads and 20 secs after walking off 2 of them are kicking lumps out of each other and being sat on and handcuffed by the police, you can see a photo of the aftermath and some other stuff.

That aside it was the usual young adults being young adults, security guards throwing people out of establishment, the typical drunk woman heading off into the opposite direction to that her more sober mate is trying to take her, one drunk guy struggling to carry the dead weight of his mate anywhere and an irate taxi driver stood by his car as something is being sick out of his back door (if he is lucky).

So after getting back from Camden, a quick chat to a German blipper (you know who you are) who was up an hour in advance of me local time, there was no point going to sleep because sun rise was only and hour away so back into the car and off into the city (rubbish morning what a waste of time), a couple of hours nap and the day started.

Knackered now, although during the day I somehow managed to acquire a new Sigma 35mm 1.4 lens which at £500 less that its Nikon cousin is reported to be even better. Hopefully you will see the outcome tomorrow when I take it for a drive.

Quick catch up of Casualty from yesterday for then bed (maybe), but while I have you here, if you have read this far, I am looking for a laptop for photography travels I was thinking MacBook Pro because everything else I own is apple but possible a Sony Vaio. Any advice you have would be welcome.

Hope you have all had a great weekend. I have...

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