
By Appreciation


Where to begin!!! Another full on day where we took a boat across the Ashinoko lake. Sadly the clouds were low, so there was no view of Mount Fuji. It's rare to see it so we hadn't expected to.

From there we visited the workshop of a company who make magic puzzle boxes. They demonstrated how they made the various veneers. Needless to say, we spent some cash in the shop. Japan appears to be cash driven rather than card.

A walk through the border control, which was established in the Edo period between Kyoto and Tokyo. It was disbanded only 150 years ago.

Then to a shrine where we saw, through a window, this archery class in progress. It was mesmerising. It started with a lesson in how to walk to the bow and kneel down, next the stages of getting from kneeling to standing in a slow controlled movement. Then lifting the enormous bow and firing. The young girl at the end was mid teens, a proper little Mulan- her strength was incredible. We felt very honoured being able to watch this. It will stay with me for a long time.

Afterwards we visited the Hakone Open-air Museum. An open air art gallery with an incredible amount of Henry Moore sculptures. I need to find out the connection. There was also an amazing stain glass tower.

We are having so much fun.

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