
By Cygnus

Marmalade Farm

Last week I had a great time catching up with Ms Marmalade, an entrepreneurial chum. She has recently taken on a small holding and is growing various eucalyptus species (with the aim of selling to local florists), an apple orchard and lots of wild flowers. She showed me some flax plants and pulled one out to demonstrate the process of stripping the fibres from the plant to create linen. So interesting!

We went to a nearby beach for our picnic but it was blowing a hooley so we retreated back to Ms Marmie’s cottage. She had made pancakes filled with black apple jam. I’ve never tasted that jam and it was delish! I’ll have to look out for it in the shops.

Loved all the flowers in the wilderness garden, especially these poppies and the blue and white cornflowers. I’ve volunteered to help Ms M spread mulch on her eucalyptus plot. Time will tell whether that was a mistake or not!

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