
By Lsquare

50 Years Of Blessings!

As we gathered at FBC this morning there was a special air of anticipation!  We always enjoy the freedom that we have to come together in worship and praise to God, but today we celebrated 50 years of ministry to our community because of the blessings that God has given us and the task He has set before us, to draw people to Him, so that they can have a personal relationship with Him, starting now and culminating in an eternity spent in Heaven!  We began our service with a congregational song, followed by a welcome by Pastor Wes.  Then a wonderful choir made up of of current and former members and an orchestra of a similar composition along with all our talented accompanists presented one of my long time favorites, the rousing anthem, "Great Is The Lord Almighty". I would show you pictures of that special music, but all four of my nuclear family members were on the stage, which made me very happy.  The congregation joined us in a few more songs and then the blended musical groups presented the lovely song, "At The Name Of Jesus".  After that, a video was shown that chronicled our church's history from its beginning with 10 members from Round Rock Baptist who felt led to start a church in Pflugerville through the 50 years of ministry that brings us to where and who we  are today.  Pastor Wes followed that up with a message from Deuteronomy 8, reminding us that everything that we have comes to us through the hands of our loving sovereign God and we should never forget that.  He has much more to say about that in the Live-stream which would be well worth your time to watch.  We ended our service with all members who could do so, coming down to the front and kneeling at the altar as Pastor Wes led us in prayer for the next 50 years of ministry.  Things normally end here, but today we had a special church-wide lunch and program with music by Aire To The Throne, proclamations by the mayor and the  governor of Texas and plaques presented to our church by our local and state missions organizations.  We were also blessed by a few words from our longest-serving former pastor, Steve  Washburn, and a former youth minister, James Lankford, who is now a Senator from Oklahoma.  An eventful and wonderful day in the life of our church as we look expectantly for the future God has planned for us......     

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