Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

One of the miniature sunflowers at work.
I replanted a bunch a geraniums today. 3 of them really tall in small pots and I think you can guess what problems I had with them... :D 
I turned down the cashiers today, because I was still tired and my brain wasn't there. The light was on but no one was home, after half of my work hours... :D 
A visit from a coworker, who sadly had the last day today because of things, did brighten my day. I was happy to see her, and we'll stay in touch. 
And, yes... I did talk to my boss about Friday. She said that they all make misstakes and mine were easily corrected. She was happy that I challenged myself. We talked about difficult customers and had a laugh about one she'd encountered several times in the past. 

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