One life to live

By otornblom


The sun shined beautifully and after work we left to Tampere. We went to Pispala esker and Pyykkipuisto, where we got sunshine therapy - it was so warm and calm. We had afternoon coffee in the Cafe Metsonkulma and then hubby drove me to Yin Yoga class. Later in the evening we noticed that Northern Lights are visible. At 22 we drove to Rauhaniemi, There was a new outdoor gym area with very bright lights, what a disappointment! Northern Lights were visible, but a bit pale. We walked to darker area to the Kauppi forest and this photo is from there. We were back home before midnight. And now there was quite fast moving bright visible Northern Lights. A photo from our garden as an extra.

+14,2 °C, sunny

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