
By Appreciation


At 8.15am on the 6th August 1945 an American B29 bomber launched the first atomic bomb strike. It exploded in such a way that everyone in the Hiroshima Perfectural Exhibition Hall was killed instantly along with approximately 200,000 others. The dome of the hall was left standing in such a way as to be recogniseable. This A-Dome is now the focus of the memorials for all Japan. Very sobering. In total the death toll was more like 400,000.

It has taken nearly 8 hours of trains to get from Tamayaka to Hiroshima. A very unusual thing happened on the way, the train was delayed!! There was no panic, passengers were able to just walk onto the next train and take up an unreserved seat. We caught up with our original schedule by the time of the next train. If you live in the UK, I'm sure you will enjoy reflecting on that for a moment.

We are staying in a hotel, with beds!! I enjoyed tatami mats but I do love a bed and private facilities.

Dinner was the theatre of okonomiyaki. A pancake base topped with cabbage, spring onions, garlic, bacon, a craft cheese slice, noodles, a sauce of molasses and more spring onions, then placed on top of an egg. All cooked on a hot plate in front of you. At each meal I say it can't get more delicious than the last and each time I am proved wrong. It was sensational and more veggies than I've eaten in over a week!

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