*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Dinna Fash Sassenach - Day 4



Another day visiting old haunts. Had an excellent cappuccino at Mountain Coffee in Gairloch and then a happy browse in the adjoining bookshop (extra). Treated myself to a book as is tradition (Hare House by Sally Hinchcliffe) and couldn't resist the Greta card, I love her. Norm took the photo as I was leaving the shop and looking very pleased with my purchases!

Headed to another of our favourite beaches at Mellon Udrigle and had a wander and beachcomb. There were some people swimming and felt a little envious and wished I'd brought my swimming gear. I wouldn't have had the confidence to go in alone but if other people were swimming too I think I might have.  Had a paddle though - I love the feel of cool sand under my feet.

Called for a cup of tea at the Barn Cafe at Sands on the way back to base. It has a turf roof which looks ace and reminds me of buildings in Scandinavia. I'm sure the water up here makes coffee, and tea especially, taste better.

Chilled at the hotel for a couple of hours before heading out for pizza and a pint from The Stag and Dough van which parks outside the Badachro Inn - they were yummy and disappeared in record time! While we were at the pub I emailed Two Lochs local radio in Gairloch and requested Peat & Diesel's version of Loch Maree Islands (one of mine and Norm's faves when we're up here) - it came on the radio as we were sitting in the car admiring the sunset at the Redpoint viewpoint. I was over the moon - never had a request played before! I'm sure the DJ made my email sound much better than it actually was hehe.

Another lovely day.


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