girl with umbrella... the park

stealing the show - in a sea of black and white - amidst a wedding party waiting for the pictures...

she was the bright spot - swirling and twirling - around and around - everyone - everywhere - hither and yon... being called to - and ignored - i loved it - she came running to me as i passed by - wanting to know if i wanted her umbrella - i said "no" although i admired it, it was so very pretty and bold... she smiled at me, then ran off - which is when i quickly took this shot - hoping no one would notice - i didn't understand why everyone was dressed in black on such a joyous day - a wedding day - but thought to myself the little girl with the umbrella clearly had it right - with her bright unorthodox colors in the mix of this group - yay for her daring to be different - to be able to stand out - be comfortable with it -

which is why i decided to post this picture - versus the cute squirrel - or the bold goose - the unusual damsel fly i found... they just didn't measure up - to this little girl - she spoke more to me - in a brief interaction - a raw observation - and for me, today, that made for...


happy day.....

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